
Photo of a 1000 piece puzzle. The pieces are spilling out of a cotton sack on the left, and on the right is the box. The puzzle graphic is an illustration of trans people being beamed up into a UFO.

1000-piece Puzzle


Des extraterrestres sont venus sauver toutes les personnes trans* et leurs alliés de la Terre après l'apocalypse.

Beam me up
Puzzle of a colorful illustration of Kottbusser Tor, Berlin Kreuzberg, against a gray background. The puzzle pieces are coming out of a cotton bag on the table above the box.

1000-piece Puzzle

Isomatic KOTTI

Une utopie de Kottbusser Tor, avec des dinosaures et des animaux sauvages.

Let's dream
Photo of a 1000 piece puzzle. The pieces are spilling out of a cotton sack on the left, and on the right is the box. The puzzle graphic is an illustration of trans, intersex, and non-binary ducks in a pond.

1000-piece Puzzle

TIN Ducks

C'est une mare aux canards trans*, inter*, non binaires !

Quack quack