Chess, but sexy: Polar Embassy does board games

A burning question: if sex toys were chess pieces, which would they be?

Our answer, as 3D models of a magnetic chess set that you can 3D print at home:

Hands holding black 3D printed chess pieces shaped like sex toys: a pawn and a rook.

Pawns would be butt plugs, Rooks would be masturbators

Hands holding a black 3D printed chess piece (bishop) shaped like a sex toy.

Bishops would be rabbit vibrators...

A hand with bright pink and green nail polish holding a black 3D printed chess piece (Knight) that looks like a suction sex toy.

Knights would be suction toys...

Hands holding a black 3D printed chess piece (queen) shaped like a bottle of lube.
Queens are definitely bottles of lube...

Hands holding a black 3D printed chess piece (king) shaped like a sex toy.
And of course, Kings would be wand vibrators!

Designed with a magnetic chess board, and pieces are hollowed to lower centers of gravity.

A cheeky design for you to play sex-positive chess at home. 


Board: 280 x 280 x 5 mm
Pieces: 24 x 24 x ~25 - ~47 mm

Requires approx. 100 m of filament. We recommend recycled filament from Reflow in the Netherlands.

Designed to fit self-adhesive disc magnets 8 x 8 x 0,75mm (we recommend these from Modular).

Do you have questions about 3D printing our board game designs? Reach out, we’re happy to help troubleshoot!

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