Ancestral Healing Tarot Deck Guidebook
Written by Elia diane Fushi Bekene (Care)
Dedicated to all people here, beyond, now and then who feel the pain of displacement. In a time where home is so hard to find, perhaps more so than ever, practicing calling our body, mind, soul and spirit home is the catalyst necessary for us to create one in harmony with others. I hope this guidebook walks you closer to what home feels like, to you.
Hi siblings,
Welcome to the Ancestral Healing Tarot deck. I am so grateful and excited to meet you here, in this magickal space. For a while now, I have been daydreaming about you holding this tiny book in your hands, discovering the cards and shuffling them. To think that this moment has finally come is, well, a dream come true. Thank you.
This work has come through me and I am so happy to share it with you. This is the divination deck of my dreams. Like many of us, I have been working with Tarot to find more healing in my day-to-day. Don‘t get me wrong, there are plenty of Tarot decks that do an amazing job at showcasing Black, Indigenous, Queer folx. However, like all deck creators, I still felt like something was missing.
I have been working with archives for a while. Actually, I used to be a freelance photographer working mostly at festivals in Berlin to pay my rent, and photographing Black and Queer people for personal projects in my spare time. I have always been fascinated with images and in a society that is obsessed with animated images, I found that photographs have an element of mystery that make them very special. Maybe you‘ve been there: you‘ve found an image of someone – maybe a stranger or relative – and suddenly, time stops. You stare into their eyes and start pondering about their life, their upsets, their joy, their grief, their Love…
At the beginning and end of this guidebook, you’ll find pictures of my paternal grandparents. I wanted them to be here, blessing you, me, and protecting this work I have created with them. I‘ve never met them in this lifetime – they transitioned before I could. But I know they’ve been here with me, allowing me to channel this work.
Because I never had the opportunity to ask my grandparents for guidance, I created a Tarot deck that allowed me not only to channel theirs, but also the guidance of many other ancestors. All the ancestors you will get to know in this deck are spirits I have deeply connected with during one of the most transformative and painful times in my life. I’ve found these ancestors, most certainly late at night, while I was going through multiple archives. I hope you connect with the ancestors as deeply as I have. I hope that this deck, whether you use it every day, once a year, or somewhere in between, will bring you just as much healing as it has me while creating it.
If you come from a line of displaced people, impacted by colonialism, wars, systems of domination and you’ve purchased this deck, there’s a high chance that you’ve heard about intergenerational trauma. Intergenerational trauma is defined as the trauma our ancestors have experienced that gets passed down to us. That trauma and our environment leave a mark on us and have an impact on our DNA.
I’ve read once that trauma and environmental genetic changes can be passed down for a whopping 14 generations in certain animals that have gone through immense trauma. Even if I had a sense of that kind of trauma in my own body, learning this fact completely changed my approach to healing. When we choose healing, we’re not only affecting our path; we heal for the people before us who fought for us to breathe easier. We heal for the people around us that might not have the capacity, energy or space to heal. We also heal for (14!) generations that will come after us. How powerful.
Choosing ancestral healing can look, sound, smell and feel very different depending on who you ask. This can look like reconnecting to your inner child, to your lineage, reparenting your selves, parenting children that need guidance, and more. I truly believe that all healing is, in fact, ancestral healing. By choosing healing, we get to reconcile with past versions of selves that have been fragmented, hurt, disowned. We assure them that they were never the problem to begin with, and we’re ready to say sorry and forgive.
Facing our ancestral wounds is never a small feat. But knowing that there is a tool and a collection of ancestors always available to witness you in those moments of relationship-crafting with your selves, that’s invaluable.
Thank you for, above all else, always coming back to healing.
You’re precious,
While I won’t get into the whole herstory of the Tarot, I want to emphasize that this Tarot deck is based on the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck. This divination tool, used by millions of people across cultures, continents and timelines, was illustrated in 1909 by a British light-skinned Black femme artist, writer, publisher and occultist, named Pamela “Pixie” Colman Smith, and published for the first time in 1910. When I say ‘traditional Tarot”, know that this is her work I am referring to. Pamela Colman Smith was completely erased from history, and died penniless. I strongly recommend that you read more of her story.
This deck is dedicated to all Black femmes, across time and space, who are shaping our past, present, and future.
Traditional Tarot is split into 2 sections: 56 Minor Arcana (Arcana comes from the Latin word Arcanum that means “secret”) and 22 Major Arcana.
The 56 Minor Arcana depict everyday situations we might encounter both physically in our 3D, but also spiritually, emotionally, or mentally in the soma, the body. Those small scenes are very precise and invite us to ask the following questions: how is this situation relating to my life right now? What is this scene reminding me of (internally or externally)? What is arising from this card?
The Minor Arcana are divided into 4 elements or “suits”: Fire, Air, Water, Earth. In Traditional Tarot, Wands correspond to Fire, Swords to Air, Cups to Water and Pentacles or Coins to Earth. I have decided to keep the elements Fire, Air, Water, Earth, as working with them is part of my personal practice. Each suit is composed of 14 cards : Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Page, Knight, Queen and King.
Because I wanted to move away from hierarchy and aristocracy, I have replaced the court cards Page, Knight, Queen and King by their elemental correspondence:
Page becomes Earth
Knight becomes Air
Queen becomes Water
King becomes Fire
Pages correspond to elemental Earth. Think about the Pages as practical messengers, the foundation we all need to start any project. In this way, Pages are builders, creators.
Knights correspond to elemental Air. Here, we have messengers, rebels, changemakers. There is always action and forward movement with the Knights.
Queens correspond to elemental Water. About 70 percent of the human body is made up of water and, coincidentally, more than 70 percent of Earth is covered in water. With water, we touch on landscapes within, the internal realms, the self-guides that we all are.
Kings correspond to elemental Fire. Fire corresponds to Spirit, the untamable parts of us. Kings point to leaders, visionaries and teachers.
The 22 Major Arcana, also called The Fool’s Journey, depict timeless spiritual forces we all deal with collectively, whether consciously or unconsciously. The Major Arcana therefore represents the Spirit Element, which you can also call Life Force, The Universe, Love, etc. The Major Arcana starts with the card 0 “The Fool” and ends with the card 21 “The World”.
In this deck, you will also find 5 additional cards: Fire, Air, Water, Earth & Spirit. The Ancestral Healing Tarot deck is therefore an 83-card deck (78 traditional cards + 5 elemental cards).
How to read Tarot?
Everybody can read Tarot. There’s no one “proper” way to read it. It is, after all, a divination tool, and your relationship to divinity is very personal and unique to you.
Trust your gut, and if you don’t feel like reading this guidebook but would rather connect to the imagery and read from your intuition, I completely support you!
I would suggest that you connect to the imagery of the cards, one by one, and start writing what comes to body, mind, and soul when you first lay eyes on them. Are memories coming up? People? Situations? Places? What do you feel when you dive into a particular card? Keep a journal of your realizations.
When you’re ready, you can start asking questions to your deck, just like you would an elder or spiritual guide of yours. With that being said, I want you to know that I created this deck for us to find guidance, not “solutions” to “problems”. A big part of my personal practice centers the complexity of what it means to be human. While cultures of supremacy center productivity at all cost and by doing so, render our human complexity flat, the commodification of Spirituality whispers to our ears that we are a forever self-improvement project. We’re not. Do not postpone acceptance, joy, Love, or anything else in the name of healing. You do not need to be “healed” to deserve a healthy relationship, joy, access to safety, wealth or anything else. You deserve all of that because you are. Your wounds are not “problems” that need “fixing”. What your wounds need however are witnessing and reconciling.
Witnessing is sacred work. By witnessing our wounds fully with no judgment, we allow them to take on different shapes and forms. Those wounds offer their wisdom only when they’re being fully witnessed, seen and heard.
Reconciling with our wounds through ceremony, like drawing cards, is powerful. By doing so, we’re able to walk closer to our wounds and allow them to become our closest guides. I truly believe that our deepest wounds hide our creative genius. I hope that this deck allows you to dive deep into the landscapes of your emotions and assures you that there is nothing to be scared of.
What about reversals?
How I experience reversals, personally, is often a blocked energy of the card presented to me. However, reading reversals is totally up to you. If reading them doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Again, Tarot is a divination tool, so make sure to connect to your selves and Spirit however most authentic to you.
Card of the day practice
Drawing a card every morning and coming back to it at night is an amazing way to get more comfortable with your deck and Tarot in general. After the day has passed, come back to your card and ask your selves: how has this card related to my day? If you need more space for spiritual integration, you can also draw a card per week, and see how this card relates to the last seven days. However you decide to relate to Tarot, know that there is no right or wrong – this is a practice of liberation.
Tarot conjure
If we believe that drawing a card is an omen, a message sent from Spirit, then intentionally choosing a card allows us to send a message back to Spirit. This is called Tarot conjure.
If you particularly relate to a card’s message, and wish to foster more of its energy in your life, you can keep this card on your altar, your desk, in your bag, etc. When you pick a card and keep it close to you long enough, you start changing and embodying more of this archetype in your life. Notice how the energy of the chosen card affects your day-to-day, your thinking process, your behavior, your state of feeling and quality of being.
Storing & Cleansing
Make sure to store your cards somewhere safe, in their original box or a cloth that you have blessed. If you want to cleanse your cards, you can leave them by the moonlight or cleanse them with ethically sourced herb/root/wood. Whatever you choose, know that you have a relationship with this deck. And like in any other relationship, there needs to be respect, care, affection, witnessing, and Love. Make sure you give back to your deck just as much as you ask of it.

You can use your deck any way you want to. Before I use the cards, I like to think about what I want to ask and the reason why I want to ask that question. Sometimes we seek solutions from Tarot to avoid sitting in our own power. The cards will call you out anyways.
Collapsible content
The single question spread
You may simply pull a single card to answer a single question. Make sure to take the affirmation away, write it down, and repeat it to your selves when the challenge you’re facing is too much to bear alone.
The Timeline spread
Card 1 – The past – What are my ancestors saying?
Card 2 – The present – What is it that I do not perceive?
Card 3 – The future – What are my descendants saying?
Alternatively, you can try the following spread:
The Door, lock & key (from Zaneta from the Art Witch podcast)
Card 1 – The invitation – What are you being invited to step into about the situation you’re asking about?
Card 2 – The lock – What is holding you back from opening the door?
Card 3 – The key – What’s going to help you answer that invitation?
The Inner child healing spread
Card 1 – What element of my past is resurfacing now?
Card 2 – What pain is this reminding me of?
Card 3 – What does my inner child say about this situation?
Card 4 – How can I reconcile with this pain?
The Ancestral Healing Magick spread
Card 1 – What is the ancestral wound I am facing now?
Card 2 – How is this showing up in my life?
Card 3 – How am I being supported by my lineage?
Card 4 – Where do I need to ask for help to move forward?
Card 5 – What is it that I need to forgive within myself?
Energy: Spirit, God, Universe, Love, Life Force, Energy, Flow
Upright: Connection to all beings breathing on planet Earth and beyond; right here, right now
Reversed: Disconnection; isolation; individualism; loneliness
It is the music in the wind, the birds chirping; it is laying our eyes on those of the ones we love; it is those in-between moments when we are reminded of connection. We re-member, in the secrets of our bodies, that we are the nexus of the dreams of our ancestors and the imaginations of our descendants. It is the permanent change, the constant growth, the implicit choice to breathe. Spirit lives in grey areas, so Spirit is queer. Spirit is everywhere. Spirit is Change.
Affirmation: I release what keeps me sheltered from life.
Energy: Uranus, 0
Upright: Beginner‘s mind; the opportunity to add to what Ancestry has built for us; the leap!
Reversed: Recklessness; paralyzing fear; fear to be seen trying
The Fool is naïveté embodied. There is a certain type of confidence that can only be found in a child’s smile. Confidence is not the certainty that everything will go “right”, or as expected, but the trust that no matter what happens, you and your ancestors have your back. Starting “over” doesn’t mean that we start from scratch. We get to start a new chapter in the very old book of our lineage. Trust that all of your past experiences & lives have prepared you for this moment.
Affirmation: When I leap into the Unknown, I know my ancestors have my back.
Energy: Mercury, 1
Upright: Resourceful manifesting; magickal alchemy; power & agency
Reversed: Fear or misuse of our power; lack of responsibility/faith; getting in our own way
When the Magician appears, we’re being asked to fully step into our role as co-creator of our destiny. Every thought is life-planning and every word is spell-casting. The Magician knows that only through the powers of the body can heaven be brought down to earth. The body is the vessel through which magick can happen. The power of this card lies in the alchemical process of transmuting arbitrary situations into flourishing opportunities & ancestral wounds into ancestral gifts. Use that power now.
Affirmation: By aligning my personal power with the wisdom of my ancestry, I amplify the potency of my powers of manifestation and bring heaven to earth.
Energy: The Moon, 2
Upright: Embodied intuition; sacred witnessing; stillness; clairvoyance
Reversed: Lack of self-trust; disconnection from our inner world
“Knowing” often gives us a sense of safety, security and control over uncertainty.
Intuition, on the other hand, invites us to drop into the body, bringing the mind and emotions into synchronistic alignment with the heart. From there, we can, beyond finding answers, ask better questions. When we align our mind to be in service of the wisdoms of our body, the Land and our ancestry, we realize that all the answers we need can be found within and will be revealed to us when we are ready.
Affirmation: Things always fall into their own place (not mine) when I allow my selves to trust my intuition and nurture ancestral connection.
Energy: Venus, 3
Upright: Embodied creativity; sustainable abundance; pleasure; self-parenting
Reversed: Overextending ourselves; not recognizing our innate worth & power; codependency
When abundance is often conflated with financial success, the Empress knows that the power of their resources goes far beyond manmade concepts. No amount of money could possibly compensate for the magick within. Few species have perfected softness as a way to survive the immense pressure of their environment. It takes mastering emotional alchemy, loving kindness and true commitment towards our selves to choose creativity over chaos. Intention is what differentiates those two.
Affirmation: My power lies in my ability to recognize how invaluable my creations are, including my selves.
Energy: Aries, 4
Upright: Sitting in our power; accessing our personal sovereignty; setting boundaries
Reversed: Abuse of power; powerlessness; fear to go forth and speak our truth
If it takes softness to access our unlimited creative energy, it takes an equal amount of courage, boldness, and risk to go after our desires. Sometimes going after what we want requires sacrifice – sacrifice of the things we no longer need, including self-doubt, to create a world that is more aligned with our sense of self. Creating on unknown territories might be scary, but there are certain things that can only be learned in the dark. The Emperor demands that you step into your personal power, reclaim your agency, assert your authority, and set clear boundaries. Your sovereignty over your life choices is always accessible to you, and now is the moment to re-member.
Affirmation: Setting boundaries, sitting in my power and going after my dreams is self-care.
Energy: Taurus, 5
Upright: Grounded & embodied spiritual wisdom; down-to-earth grace; sacred rituals
Reversed: Refusal to challenge the status quo; dogmatic thinking; institutional barriers
Going after our dreams has a way of bringing to the surface our deepest fears and wounds. In times of deep contraction, change and expansion, where are the safe places that facilitate spiritual release, development, and integration? Who do you seek advice from? Do you have mentors you can call as such? With whom can you create new rituals and ceremonies that align with your personal beliefs? When The Hierophant appears, it is a sacred call to ponder on your relationship to spiritual mentorship.
Affirmation: Collective meaning-making is the soil from which I can root, bloom, rest die, and be reborn. (AND BE REBORN)
Energy: Gemini, 6
Upright: Choices & desires; collaborative and consensual contracts; connection; passion
Reversed: Non-consensual contracts; unchecked power dynamics; sacrifice
When The Lovers appears, you are being invited to align your innermost values with your outward actions. Do the relationships you choose to engage with mirror the system of values you have been cultivating within? When there is discrepancy between those two, it is often because we hold onto ideas of Love that we did not choose, but that were passed down to us. And while this is never our fault, it is our responsibility to heal those patterns. True Love allows us to shed the iterations of who we think we should be or who we used to be, to safely come back home to who we are now. Love is a choice. Are you choosing what is getting you closer toward your own felt sense of divinity?
Affirmation: My relationships mirror my divinity.
Energy: Cancer, 7
Upright: Deep willpower & determination to go forward
Reversed: Resistance to move forward; fear; attachment
Moving forward is less scary when it reflects our inner knowing and is supported by patience, self-trust, and faith. The Chariot does not exercise their personal power by attempting to control their external environment, but by adapting to it. To do so, we need to become intimate with our own internal tides so that engaging with our environment becomes an evolutive co-creation, not a constant struggle. Only then can we realize that the true journey we are being asked to take on is the one within.
Affirmation: When I listen to the music of my internal tides, I know exactly how to move forward & when it is right.
Energy: Leo, 8
Upright: Regal inner strength; self-compassion; self-trust
Reversed: Disconnection from the Heart; insecurity; fear
It takes discipline to keep softness near when everything around is constantly changing. When the Strength card appears, it is the sign that all parts of us need to be seen and heard, with care and compassion. Our emotions and urges are direct lines to our Ancestry, Spirit, and our most precious desires. What does your Heart say? It is there that your stories and those of your Ancestors have been written. Your Heart always knows the way forward.
Affirmation: When in doubt, I let my Heart show me the way.
Energy: Virgo, 9
Upright: Turning inward; spiritual quest; tending to our inner fire
Reversed: Forced isolation; need for connection; perfectionism
The Hermit shows up when there is a deep need for chosen solitude. It is in the quiet of our mind, in the secrets of our body, that we get to re-member our inherent magick. Change is always on the horizon and, for that reason, The Hermit knows that preparing to better catch the next wave of change is radical self-care. Rekindle that light inside of you that keeps you going. What is it seeking? What’s troubling it? How does it stay lit?
Affirmation: My inner fire shines brighter when I take the time to witness it, feed it, and dance with it.
Energy: Jupiter, 10
Upright: Karmic cycles; the impermanence of fortune; Divine timing
Reversed: Repeating karmic cycles; refusing change; bargaining with reality
You’re going through a transformative moment of change and this card reminds you that, while wishing & preparing for the best is spell-casting, the Wheel inevitably keeps turning and Change keeps happening. Letting go of outcomes will allow you to open and receive blessings you might have never expected. We make plans and God laughs.
This card is not asking you to stop co-conspiring with the Universe, but rather to ride the peaks and valleys of karmic cycles with an absolute understanding of where your power lies and where it stops.
Affirmation: Through Life’s unending unfolding, I trust that on the other side of Change, I am taken care of.
Energy: Libra, 11
Upright: Spiritual Justice; fairness; karmic law; sacred truth; equity
Reversed: Injustice; karmic fate; despair
What does Justice look like, feel like, and smell like to you? Where in your life can you carve out more accountability and integrity for you to sit in your own power? How can you get closer to a truth that is holistic, viable, fair, and beneficial to you and your communities? Those are the questions this card asks. At best, the punitive system that we call “Justice” undermines oppressed peoples’ well-being; at worst it gaslights them. The system builds a false construct of material truths that centers punishment over accountability. It uses material gains of the privileged to override our need for healing, leaving us all disembodied. Revenge is a fantasy, but healing is within your reach. What if, in this moment, Justice meant reconciling with your pain? How can you center your dignity and act from a place of self-love, right now?
Affirmation: Justice is healing.
Energy: Neptune, 12
Upright: Stillness; in-between; divine pause; surrender
Reversed: False binaries; refusing stillness or meditation
It’s in the in-between, far from false binaries, that we get to connect to our inner voice, our innate wisdom and the one that has been passed down to us. When this card shows up, you are being asked to find a place very deep inside yourself, a place where you can distinguish essential truth from “mind chatter”. When facing a crossroads, we can always choose to wait and listen. What does your truth feel & sound like in your body? Is it a warm sensation flooding your legs? Goosebumps or tingling sensations felt throughout your stomach? A general sense of peace washing over your skin? The language your body speaks is vibrational energy. Under the surface of your awareness is where your ancestors, the Divine and your innate wisdom conspire. You are already all the answers you need.
Affirmation: When in doubt, I choose to turn inward, listen to my selves fully and act from a place of knowing grace.
Energy: Scorpio, 13
Upright: Transformation; the end of something; release
Reversed: Resistance to change; fear of letting go
Death has a way of shaking us to the core. It forces us to bow to endings and welcome the sobering truth it heralds: we are here to die. Quite literally, but also, and most importantly, figuratively. It is by resisting necessary change that we keep ourselves from our inherent creative genius. It is by embracing the formlessness that we are, water, that we receive what’s truly for us to claim our own. In the same way, facing change and the fear that it brings allows us to (be)come home to our selves, again. Trust that the period of radical transformation you’re going through now is a portal to what’s truly meant for you.
Affirmation: Death alchemy is the doorway to emotional release and spiritual integration.
Energy: Sagittarius, 14
Upright: Patience; flow; the alchemical process; spiritual rejuvenation
Reversed: Imbalance; disconnection from our inner water well
It’s by digging deep, drilling through different layers of Earth that we access our most precious, life-giving resource: water. The Temperance card reminds us that, similar to with Earth, accessing reserves of water within is never a small feat. It requires meeting contrasting elements of our selves and facing what has been buried deep within, to be able to reach our waters & unique flow. Be patient and kind to your selves now. Healing isn’t linear and isn’t strictly personal: addressing your wounds also means addressing the ones of the people that came before you, the ones around you, and the ones that come after you.
Affirmation: I am the nexus of the hopes of my ancestors and the imagination of my descendants.
Energy: Capricorn, 15
Upright: Shadow; unhealthy attachment; avoidance; escapism
Reversed: Making peace with fear; detachment from useless habits
The tedious process of healing has a way of bringing to the surface our most shameful habits, patterns and behaviors. And with that can arise strategies of escapism and avoidance. Remember that while avoidance might keep you comfortable, it also keeps you small. If this card appears in a spread, you’re ready to face what you’ve been denying about your selves with compassion, self-respect and radical accountability.
Affirmation: Getting closer to my fears does not make them more real, but rather easier to disprove. Getting closer to my fears is a practice of liberation.
Energy: Mars, 16
Upright: Upheaval; sudden change; shaking ground; epiphany
Reversed: Holding on to what no longer serves us; denial; false impressions; fear of change
You’re in the midst of a transformative process, pivotal in your journey. Identity loss is a portal to liberation that often comes with its fair share of fear, anger, sorrow, and grief. While this might shake your beliefs and trust to the core, it is only when we let go of what we believe to be true about our selves that we carve out more space to become more of who we truly are.
Affirmation: When I surrender to Change, I allow my selves to welcome more of what I need.
Energy: Mars, 17
Upright: Renewal; cleanse; healing
Reversed: Resistance to healing; holding on to grudges; refusal to forgive our selves; guilt
After trials and tribulations, here is the moment you’ve been waiting for. A moment of respite and quiet for you to clean your wounds and prepare to welcome sunnier days.
Take the time to look back and see how far you’ve come. The journey has never been easy, and yet you’ve made it this far. The Star is here to remind you that practicing self-care, self-compassion & carving out time for rest is a discipline rooted in softness.
Affirmation: I use rest as a foundation for my life, not a reward.
Energy: Pisces, 18
Upright: Shadow work; reflection; instincts; inner landscapes
Reversed: Blocking shadow work; fear; deception; illusion
The veil between conscious and unconscious energies is very thin right now. You are being asked to trust your intuitive insights, journey to the underworld of your psyche and dispel illusions. Who you are and where you are going are mysteries that will unravel when the time is right. Do not forget that you are never alone. In the dark, guides, deities and angels are always here to show you the way.
Affirmation: It’s in my inner landscapes that I find the most precious of my gifts: my intuition.
Energy: Sun, 19
Upright: Clarity; radiance; creativity; authenticity
Reversed: Lack of faith; baggage; confusion
Shadow work brings to the surface generational pains that seem insurmountable, but on the other side of this pain lies the freedom to step into your authentic power. Celebratory energy has finally knocked at your door, and you’re ready to welcome all of it. The Sun’s pure radiance and unconditional witnessing is a confirmation to embrace more of who you are unapologetically, releasing old patterns and following your authentic bliss.
Affirmation: Witnessing my selves fully with no shame allows me to step into my authentic power.
Energy: Pluto, 20
Upright: Reckoning; spiritual integration; inner calling
Reversed: Denial; self-judgment; self-doubt
Opening up to your subconscious catalyzes new realizations about your selves, bringing to you more expansive opportunities. You’re waking up to the power of forgiving your selves and getting out of your own way, while coming to terms with past hurt. This is a lifelong journey – facing your deepest fears, reconciling with ancestral pains and integrating the most disowned parts of you. But you’re showing up to do the work, and this card speaks to the end of a major effort or cycle.
Affirmation: As I go through major changes in my life, I remember that all parts of me deserve sacred witnessing.
Energy: Saturn, 21
Upright: Completion; closure; the beginning is the end
Reversed: Feeling lost or stuck; despair; hopelessness
Take a moment to realize how much you’ve overcome and how much you’ve accomplished. Endings always bring bittersweet emotions to the surface. Know that past versions of you are not gone. They sit at the altar of the future you’ve created together. While lighting a candle for them, close your eyes and thank them. They are, as well as your ancestors and guides, so proud of you.
Affirmation: While I give thanks to my lineage for taking me so far on this journey, I know that what’s to come surpasses my wildest dreams.
Energy: Dance of Spirit
Upright: Authentic self-expression of Spirit; passion; burning desire; spontaneous beginnings; an instinctual dare
Reversed: Feeling unseen; caged; restrained; recklessness; fear
Fire speaks the dance of Spirit. It is always seeking sacred witnessing and expresses itself naturally. Let it run free and Fire will revive, enlighten and illuminate every witness it finds. Try and keep it captive and it will destroy everything around or die. Freedom is what keeps Fire alive. Fire is as strong as it is vulnerable. The only element that needs constant feeding, it lights up quickly and burns out quickly too. If it could speak, Fire would say “I’m scared to die.”
Affirmation: When I apply my creative energy to my passions wholeheartedly, there’s nothing I cannot do.
Energy: Fire
Upright: Burst of creativity; inspiration; passion; spontaneity; talent; ambition
Reversed: Blocked creativity; fear; dullness; apathy
When you draw this card, your Spirit’s wildest desires are being ignited. Whether it is a fiery jolt of cosmic inspiration, welcoming in new Love or a newfound confidence, you’re brimming with new passion, creative energy and authentic self-expression. If you’ve been hesitant about going after what you want, this card says: just go and get it.
Affirmation: My desires allow me to understand what I truly care about.
Energy: Mars in Aries
Upright: Choices; planning; ambition; independence; drive
Reversed: Powerlessness; low energy; lack of drive
You’re set on the “what”, and now is the time to make conscious decisions about the “how”. Two of Fire is asking you to formulate a specific plan to reach your goals. Know that there are millions of different ways to go after your desires. What matters most is that this plan suits you and that it’s rooted in your reality.
Affirmation: When I make choices based on my needs and capacity, I allow my selves to show up to the best of my abilities.
Energy: Sun in Aries
Upright: Commitment; expansion; vision; new horizons; directed faith; dedication
Reversed: Misguided faith; scattered energy; lack of planning; setbacks
The bigger picture is taking shape and you’re contemplating the future before striking out on your next big move. Exciting news are on the horizon and you might feel pulled in different directions, but keep your focus and don’t lose momentum. Your thoughtful planning has prepared you for this moment.
Affirmation: When I plan my way ahead, sit in my power and follow my inner convictions, I am unstoppable.
Energy: Venus in Aries
Upright: Peace of mind, celebration, harmony, blissful home
Reversed: Struggle, isolation, mistrust, homesickness
Coming back home to celebrate your accomplishments with your loved ones, that's what this card is all about. Hard work leaves space for joyful bliss and communal celebration, and you're embracing every moment of it.
This card reminds you that community and connection is what sustains any challenging effort torwards shaping a better future. Let others celebrate and resource you.
Affirmation: When the path ahead seems too arduous, I remind my selves that I was never meant to do this alone.
Energy: Saturn in Leo
Upright: Competition; friction; tension; disagreements; inner contention
Reversed: Conflict avoidance; energy release
Going after our deepest desires often ignites our darkest shadows. Whether it’s internal or external, you find your selves in a pivotal moment in your journey where conflict is arising. Avoiding what’s right in front of you will not only make things worse, it will also keep you from invaluable lessons to better move forward. Take a pause to reassess what’s causing friction.
Affirmation: In my deepest wounds lies my creative genius.
Energy: Jupiter in Leo
Upright: Accolades; victory; success; achievement; recognition
Reversed: Unreachable expectations; narcissism; self-centeredness; superficiality; delayed success
Your efforts are coming to fruition, and your communities are celebrating this self-fulfilling prophecy with you. While recognition is essential for us to feel truly seen, make sure that this victory is shared with the ones who see you beyond this win.
There’s a tad of ego attached to this card, but there’s nothing wrong with self-indulgence, provided it’s not based on hollow victory.
Affirmation: I know my worth beyond my achievements.
Energy: Mars in Leo
Upright: Standing our ground; headstrong; inner-conviction; assertion; perseverance
Reversed: Defeat; avoidance; lack of assertion; disconnection from our power
Whatever’s coming your way, you’re standing your ground and defending what’s yours.
Resilience, while necessary, is exhausting. It’s exhausting to save face when everything (within or without) feels so harsh. It takes discipline to stay soft. How can you carve out more space for safety and softness in your day-to-day life?
Affirmation: When I lose balance, I come back to safe spaces where my vulnerability is welcome, honored and taken care of.
Energy: Mercury in Sagittarius
Upright: Forward movement; divine acceleration; unforeseen growth; power
Reversed: Procrastination or hastiness; fear of failure or success
Your inner life-force energy carries tremendous power when projected out in the world with intention. Now is the perfect time to tap into intuitive insights, call in what you need and take the necessary steps to get closer to your dreams. Take a moment to breathe, feel the fear, and do it anyway.
Affirmation: I know that when I jump, my ancestors got me.
Energy: Moon in Sagittarius
Upright: Defensiveness; tenacity; grit; determination
Reversed: Exhaustion; anxiety; overwhelm; burnout
With the Nine of Fire, we’re being asked to admit our limitations, face what’s not working and reevaluate. Maybe you’re overworked, maybe you just need a break. When all we’ve known is fighting our way through challenges, putting our guard down and asking for help is scary. But tirelessly grinding against situations that are out of our control also means working against our selves. Make sure sustainability, rest and care are at the center of your strategy.
Affirmation: I release my expectations and know that there’s no expiry date on my purpose.
Energy: Saturn in Sagittarius
Upright: Burdens; depletion; taking on too much
Reversed: Burnout; resentment; being at the end of the rope
Whether it’s the weight of others’ expectations or your own, this card shows up when you’re taking on too much. Take a back seat and reset. Being capable of doing it all doesn’t mean you should. While helping others is honorable, people pleasing tendencies are also symptomatic of bigger problems like loose boundaries with ourselves and others. Before resentment builds up, learn to say “no”.
Affirmation: Putting my selves first allows me to show up authentically to the people around me.
Energy: Earth of Fire
Upright: Exciting messages; beginnings; enthusiasm; going for what we want
Reversed: Inertia; procrastination; not knowing where to start; regrets
Earth coupled with Fire points to an energy that signals you’re ready to learn how to harness your creative life-force and explore new pathways to self-actualization. Whether it is starting a new project or exploring your own sense of self, this archetype demands that you let go of your fears and go after your most precious desires. That also means relinquishing a certain sense of control and going for (calculated) risk.
Affirmation: Even the outlines or dreams of my desires lead me to the most innovative & meaningful self-discovery.
Energy: Air of Fire
Upright: Daring; action-oriented; adventure; exuberance; freedom
Reversed: Forceful; scattered energy; unreliable; overconfident
Air mixed with Fire brings grit, audacity and a dash of impulsivity. This energy isn’t scared to follow their creative whims, and creates their own opportunities for them to thrive. Following their passions and facing challenges head-on is one of their greatest assets. If this is you, make sure you harness your energy with directed movement and clear focus. Fire burns out quickly and needs sustenance to keep burning.
Affirmation: When I face challenges head-on, I relinquish fear and practice liberation.
Energy: Water of Fire
Upright: Charisma; sensuality; creativity; generous; fierce
Reversed: Impatience; stubbornness; giving away our power
Water and Fire is a special mix that needs careful calibration. Passionate and tender, this archetype is all about harnessing their bold and sensual energy to get closer to their dreams. Their intimate relationship to their personal power and complete agency is what makes them attractive. When this card shows up in a spread, you’re being invited to step into your authentic power by realizing how radiating your energy is.
Affirmation: Pleasure and sensuality are direct lines to my personal power.
Energy: Fire of Fire
Upright: Penetrating; charismatic; self-assured; passionate; driven; inspiring
Reversed: Low self-esteem; passive; directionless; dominating
Leading with gentle power and a gentler heart, this archetype inspires others to live out their visions by listening to their heart. This energy knows how to exert immense willpower, make hard decisions and rise over challenges in order to co-create with Spirit. This card says: don’t postpone confidence or freedom any longer; carve out space to seize more of it every day, right where you are.
Affirmation: When I dare to listen to my heart, my power is limitless.
Energy: Relationality
Upright: Expansive thinking; connective ideas; communication; clairvoyance
Reversed: Overthinking; mental puzzles; disconnection from others
Air does the subtle, yet hard, work of relationality. In this way, Air perceives connection where no one else does. Air moves, articulates and communicates. It is constantly looking for contact. The only element that is completely invisible, Air can be a caress on our skin as well as the destroying wind. Air brings the songs of Spirit and reminds us that the revolution starts with the sacred work of imagination.
Affirmation: Speaking my most sincere wishes for my selves, my communities, and the worlds around me reminds me that if I can see it, it can be.
Energy: Air
Upright: Clarity; undeniable truth; expanded consciousness
Reversed: Scattered mind; confusion; feeling lost
This card signals the beginning of a journey that requires your mind to be in service of your heart. When we attune the mind to the song of the heart, we create a reality that is not only favorable to our well-being, but also most aligned with our spiritual growth.
Make sure that your current goals are aligned with your values: everything you put your mind to has the potential to become reality.
Affirmation: I am confident that my mind, in support of my heart, will guide me to my soul’s purpose.
Energy: Moon in Libra
Upright: Tough decision; moment of stillness and solitude
Reversed: Irresponsibility; inaction; lack of discernment
When this card shows up in a spread, you’re being asked to stop and take a break before rushing any big decision. Find your center, and set new boundaries with your selves and others to discern your unique voice from external chatter. For you to sing your own song and dance to your own beat, discernment is key.
Affirmation: There is no such thing as “late” or “wrong” when I am walking to the rhythm of my own (heart)beat.
Energy: Saturn in Libra
Upright: Heartbreak; matters of the heart; forced surrendering
Reversed: Denial; emotional blockage; avoidance
The bubble has been burst and you’re left having to take care of the open wounds of your broken heart. While this pain might feel insurmountable right now, know that it is not in vain: it will also set you free. Free from illusions, unaligned situations, relationships and all else. And remember, after a breakdown often comes a breakthrough.
Affirmation: I embrace ancestral healing everyday by choosing me.
Energy: Jupiter in Libra
Upright: Needed time-out; meditation; rejuvenation; prayer
Reversed: Disconnection to inner realms; unprocessed grief
When grief is taking all our energy away, retreat is necessary, and sometimes absolutely required, for psychic survival and emotional health. If “success & happiness” are temporary prizes, “wholeness” is the real end game. This cards is asking you to commit to recovering, listening to & embracing parts of you that have been left wanting for more, yearning for your undivided attention. Take your time to give your selves the care you deeply crave.
Affirmation: My path has no expiry date – all it needs is me, whole.
Energy: Venus in Aquarius
Upright: Distrust; the price of coming out on top
Reversed: Bitterness; feeling defeated; defensiveness
Power dynamics are at play, and the situation you’re facing might be completely unfair. Take a moment to reevaluate the reason why you’re fighting. Is this conflict pointing to a deeper wound left unaddressed? Whether this conflict is internal or external, make sure you know when it‘s time to walk away rather than amassing more resentment. Let go of the weapon and ask your selves: what does this conflict show I truly crave and need? Go and find a way to give your selves exactly that.
Affirmation: Sometimes, the best way to win is to not play altogether.
Energy: Mercury in Aquarius
Upright: Release; moving on; transition
Reversed: Refusal to let go; feeling trapped
It might not feel like it now, but moving away (figuratively or literally) from a source of anxiety or turmoil, is a power move. It takes vulnerability and radical honesty to move towards a better future for our selves and generations to come. Trust that leaving this situation is paramount to carve out more space to reset, heal your wounds and flourish.
Affirmation: Moving away from unnecessary pain is radical self-love.
Energy: Moon in Aquarius
Upright: Betrayal; gaslighting; compromised morals; taking what’s left; fear-led actions
Reversed: Guilt; shame; lying to ourselves; not accepting parts of ourselves
Whether it is you acting outside your morals or others, this card signals betrayal, deception, refusing to witness parts of us we’re ashamed of. Remember that intention is different from impact: you might have all the reasons to act this way, but taking responsibility for your thoughts, behaviors and actions is essential to set you free from patterns that keep you small. Ask for support and accountability from people who have your best interests at heart, and keep going when your own heart is at peace.
Affirmation: My integrity will see me through to better days.
Energy: Jupiter in Gemini
Upright: Emotionally bound; self-sabotage; despair; feeling stuck
Reversed: Getting out of confusion; facing fears and pains; letting go
Clearing a path for new growth always requires us to get out of our comfort zones and face our self-sabotaging tendencies. Right now, your situation feels hopeless and admitting that to your selves is the first step towards healing. Before you succumb to the need to fix, apologize or self-blame, what if you just listened to what your inner conflict has to say? If you tend to avoid pain by intellectualizing it, this card is your sign. In order to release its innate wisdom, pain demands to be felt.
Affirmation: When it seems like there are no options left, I turn inward to activate embodied wisdom and ask for guidance.
Energy: Mars in Gemini
Upright: Anxiety, depression, loss of hope and lack of faith
Reversed: Release; resolution; moving towards better days
You’ve been plagued by spinning anxiety and you’re finally surrendering to feel it all. To reach a place of renewal and restoration, you need to allow the waters of your grief to reach your skin. When you’re scared to drift too far, know that the treasures your ancestors have left behind will safely take you back to shore.
Affirmation: Home is where all my becomings are welcome.
Energy: Sun in Gemini
Upright: Crisis; spiritual/ego death
Reversed: Transcending pain; completion of a cycle; spiritual rebirth
Past hurt has brought you to the ground, and yet, the worst has passed. Facing our deepest pain and sorrows often comes with unique spiritual lessons, and you’re learning that there is real intimacy to be found in befriending pain. The ground is where we get to wilt, fall flat and die, to bloom somewhere new.
Affirmation: I allow my selves to fully feel what exists. Only then can emotional alchemy happen and transform grief into gratitude, despair into faith, fear into joy.
Energy: Earth of Air
Upright: Curiosity, wit, eccentricity, applied knowledge
Reversed: Insecurity, feeling unseen, aloofness
Coupled with Air, Earth speaks to grounded excitement or knowledge and change in the material realm. Unexpected news might come knock at your door or you may be brimming with new ideas that turn you into a passionate force of nature.
Whatever your plans are for the future, "GO!" is the key word of this card.
Affirmation: As I become more aware of my innate powers, I create a reality that can not unsee me.
Energy: Air of Air
Upright: Visions; courage; tenacity; stubbornness
Reversed: Unchanneled energy; no direction; unpredictability; recklessness; impulsivity; burn-out
This energy is going for what they want, when they want it and how they want it. Idealistic and smart, this archetype is asking you to live your truth unapologetically, and pursue your dreams despite obstacles and setbacks. While this card speaks to movement and action, they know that their innate power and worth doesn’t reside in energetic expression only. Make sure to preserve your life force, and protect your sacred energy as you move confidently towards your goals.
Affirmation: The real failure is to not allow my selves to try. My “mistakes” lead me to the most innovative & meaningful self-discovery.
Energy: Water of Air
Upright: Insights; clarity; independence; commitment to truth
Reversed: Lack of (self-)compassion; harsh judgement; playing small
This energy speaks to a pivotal moment when we’re capable of seeing beyond the veil and sitting in our truth like never before. You’ve lived through enough to know that there is no such thing as “objectivity” or “rationality”, but only valuable perspective. Emotional insight, practical guidance and discernment is what you lead with. Make sure you offer those gifts to those who are wary about reciprocity as much as you are.
Affirmation: Sitting in my truth allows me to build authentic intimacy & connection to my selves, others and my lineage.
Energy: Fire of Air
Upright: Wise mind; in command; power; mature knowledge; fairness
Reversed: Overpowering ego; power-hungry; insecurity
This energy has embodied wisdom to impart and inspirational words to offer. Providing wise counsel and sitting in their unique power is this card’s strength, and so if you’ve been unaware of your innate power, here’s the sign you needed to take up all the space that is available to you. Your spirit's wildest desires are gems that need your attention. Listen to them now.
Affirmation: My wildest desires bring me closer to my innate sense of power.
Energy: E(nergy in)motion
Upright: Memories; the Womb; inner-realms; feelings; dreams; divine connection; Life
Reversed: Disconnection from our inner-landscapes; hyper-rationality; emotional blockages
Water is the ever-replenishing, soothing, flowing element that is also Life-giving.
Water embraces any obstacle on its way, but with enough time, erodes the hardest rocks. It doesn’t know separation and spreads itself thin to create connection. Water envelopes, touches, feels and drowns. It meets something inside of us that is unwounded, and takes us to the times when we were nothing but feelings (in the Womb). Water doesn’t speak, it feels.
Affirmation: My emotions are direct lines to my seat of power.
Energy: Water
Upright: Emotional abundance; overflowing healing; divine connection
Reversed: Feeling empty; disconnected; lonely
This card points to a boundless potential for emotional satisfaction and peace.
Wells of intuition, inner-knowing and spiritual healing are waiting to be unlocked as you explore the depths of your inner landscapes. Let Love and emotional abundance be a guiding force in all aspects of your life.
Affirmation: When I let (self-)love be a guiding principle in my life, self-actualization and spiritual bliss are mine to keep.
Energy: Venus in Cancer
Upright: Reciprocity; union of equals; mutual attraction; harmony; cooperation
Reversed: Codependence; rejection; separation; unrequited love; discord; misunderstandings
The butterflies in your stomach are leaving behind them a trail of feel good energy, having you walking on cloud nine. Whether it is romantic, platonic or a mix of both, this card represents the sweet (re)union of souls who don’t know each other (yet!) but recognize one another. A new relationship always rocks our world, and this card is asking you to bask in the sweet feeling of genuine and authentic connection.
Affirmation: The relationships I co-create are the ones where reciprocity, sacred witnessing and safety are non-negotiable.
Energy: Mercury in Cancer
Upright: Friendship; community; gathering; celebration
Reversed: Isolation; hedonistic distractions; jealousy; overindulgence; competition
The Three of Water reminds us that above anything else, it’s the quality of our relationships that has the most significant impact on our health. Joyful gatherings, celebrations and siblinghood fill our cup in ways nothing else could. It’s time to lean on chosen family to share your emotional riches and lift each other to new heights.
Affirmation: Surrounding myself with a loving, kind and supportive community is a direct line to divine joy and true belonging.
Energy: Moon in Cancer
Upright: Discontent; lack of gratitude; personal time-out; introspection
Reversed: Fear to engage with our inner landscapes/others; avoidance; apathy
Chronic emotional disappointment and detachment are signs of emotional fatigue. The situation you’re dealing with might be out of your control, but it is by self-isolating and asking our selves radically honest questions that we access the wells of our authentic truth.
Affirmation: Taking time out to listen closely to my selves is how I build trust, reliance and intimacy with my selves.
Energy: Mars in Scorpio
Upright: Painful loss; mourning; regret; loss
Reversed: Lack of hope; refusal to let go
This card shows up when we’re going through painful disappointments, rejection or loss. While moving on from those painful emotions might be your main focus right now, walking away transformed by their lessons can only happen once the emotions have been felt. Past events, while they need to be reckoned with, are not an indication of your worth. This card is an invitation to get closer to your selves, clean your wounds and to move on on your own terms.
Affirmation: Being radically honest about my pain allows me to imagine a more hopeful future.
Energy: Sun in Scorpio
Upright: Ancestral patterns; forgiveness; salvation; reminiscence; nostalgia
Reversed: Separation; mistrust; abandonment
Reminiscing has a way of bringing to the forefront the most fragile parts of us, regressing our sense of self to the child we used to be. Our inner-child is still within us, and this card is asking you to let them take the lead to access more healing. It’s time to re-parent your selves and let your inner child know that they’re safe now – they’re with you.
Affirmation: Past sorrows are a portal to ancestral healing and greater Love.
Energy: Venus in Scorpio
Upright: Fantasies; illusions; distractions; misguidance
Reversed: Delayed gratification; waiting period; patience
Choice isn’t always working to our advantage when all the options we’re presented with are distracting us from our heart’s truest desires. It takes patience and deep self-reflection to recognize what’s truly aligned with our soul’s purpose. Confusion about where to go next is never the problem. Rather, the real problem is trying to force a way forward when we’re not ready.
Affirmation: When I don’t know where to go, I remember that taking a sacred pause and asking for guidance are safe options.
Energy: Saturn in Pisces
Upright: Detaching; going on a spiritual journey; leaving what’s not meant to be
Reversed: Aimless wandering; feeling lost; losing track of what’s aligned
Facing what’s missing in your inner landscape might be difficult, but it has the merit to propel you out of emotional stagnation. Moving away from situations that keep you in cycles of emotional discontent is radical self-love. Every step away from loss and disappointment is bringing you closer to liberation and bliss. Trust the process.
Affirmation: Grieving what no longer holds truth for me allows me to carve out more space for spiritual and emotional growth.
Energy: Jupiter in Pisces
Upright: Ease; flow; blessings; wishes granted
Reversed: Empty cup; ungratefulness; sadness; stagnation; the weight of abandoned dreams
If you were completely aware of your boundless potential and knew that your wishes would come true, would they look, smell or feel any different? Often called the “wish card”, this card shows up when we’re ready to welcome in what’s truly aligned. Here’s to a big “yes” – yes to your wishes being granted, yes to emotional fulfillment, yes to spiritual alignment, yes to following your bliss.
Affirmation: Every wish of mine morphs into joyful reality.
Energy: Mars in Pisces
Upright: Completion; communal joy and abundance; fulfillment
Reversed: Isolation; disconnection from our communities; turmoil
What’s abundance if not enjoyed with our chosen family? The Ten of Water card is all about that deeper fulfillment of true belonging, spiritual connection, and communal Love found in moments of pure bliss. Remaining in service to the ones that make you breathe easier has allowed you to build a legacy of wealth that goes beyond materiality. Enjoy every piece of this moment. You deserve it.
Affirmation: Joy, shared with my communities, turns into spiritual bliss.
Energy: Earth of Water
Upright: A poetic dreamer; intuition; innocence; sweetness
Reversed: Apathy; feeling jaded; naivety; immaturity
Bearing of exciting news, this card reminds us that compassion, idealism and kindness are gifts that go a long way in shaping new realities for ourselves and our communities.
Particularly sensitive to their environment, this archetype often points to a caring partner who knows how to use their psychic gifts to nurture and care for their loved ones.
Affirmation: Imagining a future that centers softness, Love and care as sacred work.
Energy: Air of Water
Upright: Devotion; romance; loyalty; emotional vulnerability; honesty
Reversed: Emotional disconnection; fear to express heart’s desire; emotional idleness; self-absorption; feeling unstable
Charismatic, romantic and open-hearted, this sensitive soul is looking for true connection on the road of spiritual actualization. They might be bringing a new idea or project to life that sparks passion and interest in service of deep connection to themselves and others. This card asks you to lead with your emotions; trust that your heart already knows the path and follow your bliss.
Affirmation: When I lead with my heart, I explore new avenues for spiritual growth and emotional fulfillment.
Energy: Water of Water
Upright: Intuitive wisdom; maturity; psychic gifts; guidance
Reversed: Codependence; isolation; feeling drained; emotional blockage; lack of boundaries
This archetype’s first language is nurture and care. Gifted with deep intuitive wisdom and psychic visions, they often become the community sage, the one we seek counsel and advice from. Empaths know how to transform wells of emotions into treasures that keep them and their communities resourced for generations. If that’s you, make sure that the care you give, you receive, too.
Affirmation: I am my own guide to emotional freedom.
Energy: Fire of Water
Upright: Perceptive; deeply caring; generous; responsible; supportive
Reversed: Distant; intimacy issues; lack of (emotional) control; lack of (self-)compassion
Emotional quietude tempered with passionate action, that’s what this energy is all about. This archetype often represents an emotionally mature person who has the innate capacity to lead others with grace, generosity and transparency. Caring, intuitive and supportive, they might not always show what’s going on underneath, but trust that the waters run deep.
Affirmation: My genuine generosity and passion for freedom inspire others to lead with an open heart.
Energy: Matter
Upright: Creating matter; the 3D; grounding; stabilizing; drawing in gravity; practicality; wisdom; patience
Reversed: Lack of solid foundations; boundaries; not able to say “no”; impulsiveness; stiffness; impatience
Earth says “no”, first. Not that it loves denying for the sake of it, but Earth understands that refusal is paramount to hold and support. Earth is precautious, it is firm. It is, after all, the only element that keeps its shape. Earth reminds us that to start anything sustainable and bring our most inspired visions to life, slow and steady wins the race. It is grounding and stabilizing. It does not move towards what it wants but instead, draws in what it needs through the force of gravity.
Affirmation: Standing firmly in my truth allows me to build a legacy I am proud of.
Energy: Earth
Upright: Prosperous beginnings
Reversed: Fear of starting
Since ancient times, pears have been honored as a symbol of divine sustenance, abundance and longevity. This card is all about rooting deep in the Earth to see your selves bloom. Slow and steady is the key here. What is the seed you’re willing to sow today that will allow you to stand taller in your legacy?
Affirmation: The seed I sow today brings me closer to the dreams of my Ancestry.
Energy: Jupiter in Capricorn
Upright: A decision to make; multitasking
Reversed: Black or white thinking; burn out
A path is forming ahead and decisions need to be made. While multitasking often allows inspiration to bloom, make sure you don’t over extend your selves. Sustainability is key in your journey.
Affirmation: While walking on my sacred path, I know that there is no right or wrong; this is a path of liberation.
Energy: Mars in Capricorn
Upright: Collaboration & common goals
Reversed: Lack of belonging; isolation; lack of community
While recognition might be waiting for you at the end of this journey, you know that the real prize lies in working towards a common goal with your communities and kin. Dreaming on your own can be satisfying, but connecting with others through a shared purpose, that is spiritual healing.
Affirmation: When my spirit of collaboration seeps into my projects, I know the rewards will be sweeter.
Energy: Sun in Capricorn
Upright: Attachment; control; independence; period of frugality
Reversed: Possessiveness; identification with materiality
Focusing on building your legacy is great, but be careful that you don’t miss out on the personal growth this process offers. Was there a time in your life when a new goal didn’t pop out of your brain right after you achieved one? Abundance never feels like such when we don’t feel we are reaching “enough”. The Four of Earth is asking: are you able to be satisfied? If not, go out and find out what “enough” means to you.
Affirmation: As long as I am connected to my selves & my communities, there always will be enough.
Energy: Mercury in Taurus
Upright: Lack; isolation; material struggle
Reversed: Refusal to let go of past hurdles; identification with pain
You’re going through a time of profound hardship. But the loss you feel now is not meant to last forever. Despair is a direct line to isolation. Disconnection, whether it is from ourselves, our communities, our lineage or Spirit, creates more pain than necessary. Feeling supported in moments of necessity is absolutely vital. Reach out to chosen family and trust that the waters of your grief will take you safely back to shore.
Affirmation: In times of deep pain, belonging is where my hope is restored.
Energy: Moon in Taurus
Upright: Receiving help; benevolence; mutuality
Reversed: Lack of vulnerability; over-giving; refusal to ask for help
You’ve gone through particularly hard times, and now is the time to receive graciously. To receive however, one has to be vulnerable and ask. Are you letting people around you hold you down when in need? This card invites you to surrender to the generosity, synchronicity and mutuality of your environment. You’ll receive what you need when you most need it, you just need to ask.
Affirmation: Opportunities abound when I remain open to external help.
Energy: Saturn in Taurus
Upright: Dedication to meaningful work; patience; persistence
Reversed: Impatience; frustration; lack of motivation
After a necessary reset, you’re gestating something that requires constant care, nurturing and attention. Creating out of imagination is both hard work and a sacred act of faith. Keep focusing on your progress, surrender to what is out of your control and ask for guidance when in doubt. This is only the beginning.
Affirmation: It is my soul's purpose to use my ancestral gifts to create a reality I imagined.
Energy: Sun in Virgo
Upright: Mastering ancestral gifts
Reversed: Self-sabotaging tendencies
Surrendering to your intuition and allowing your ancestral gifts to shine through is paying off – you’re finding your own rhythm and flow. You might not know it now, but the choices (and sacrifices) you’re making in the name of your dreams are investments that will come back to you a thousand fold. Just like you, your dreams need time to grow and expand. Keep going.
Affirmation: Surrendering to my intuitive gifts brings me closer to Spirit.
Energy: Venus in Virgo
Upright: Prosperity; abundance; material comfort
Reversed: Greed; insecurity; fear
The foundations you’re standing on are solid, and now is the time to reap the benefits of your efforts. Abundance abounds; are there souls you can celebrate your wins with? As Toni Morrison said, “the function of freedom is to free someone else.” If you’re no longer in bondage to past hurdles, sharing your story and gifts will further help you heal ancestral wounds.
Affirmation: I surround my selves with people who celebrate my wins and I celebrate them in return.
Energy: Mercury in Virgo
Upright: Achievement; material success
Reversed: Disappointment; detachment; material fixation
After a long period of hard work and sacrifice, you’re witnessing your material realm shift and transform completely. Welcome stability, attainment, security and celebration of your many successes, for you and the ones you call family! Make sure this newfound stability doesn’t transform into rigidity, and play remains a grounded ritual to stay connected to your selves and the people around you.
Affirmation: My greatest achievement is creating quality time for my chosen family.
Energy: Earth of Earth
Upright: Enterprising; practical matters; steadiness
Reversed: Frivolity; lack of drive and/or boundaries
This energy knows that to effectively bring their desires to life, impact their communities and the world at large, solutions need to be practical, pragmatic and connected to the Land. While their journey has just begun, they know how essential patience, persistence and resilience are to turn their dreams into reality. Be prepared to welcome a shift in your material realm, you’ve earned it.
Affirmation: I am ready to bring my dreams into reality.
Energy: Air of Earth
Upright: Committed to the task; hard working
Reversed: Scattered energy; lack of focus; apathy; indecision; overwhelming anxiety
Diligent, cautious and grounded, this energy knows better than anyone that slow and steady wins the race. This card speaks to turning your ideas into sustainable rewards through cumulative progress and detail-oriented action. Speak your dreams & pace your selves, you’re on the right path.
Affirmation: Slow and steady wins the race.
Energy: Water of Earth
Upright: Generosity; tenderness; growth
Reversed: Withdrawal; emotional detachment; co-dependency
Attuned to their environment and in touch with their inner-landscapes, Water of Earth energy knows how to use their spiritual connection to the Land to bring more well-being to themselves and their communities. They are down to earth yet sensitive, pragmatic yet sweet. If this card shows up in a spread, you’re being asked to use your intuitive connection to your environment in service of your purpose.
Affirmation: My connection to my inner landscapes allows me to thrive as within, so without.
Energy: Fire of Earth/Gladys Alberta Bentley
Upright: Embodied power; responsible & sensitive sense of agency
Reversed: Dissatisfaction; insecurity; lack of agency
Fire dances however it wants to, and coupled with Earth, it brings embodied and practical power to the table. This energy is highly capable and secure, and knows how valuable their perspective is. Your commitment to owning your sense of agency and creating meaningful relationships to the Land, your ancestors and your communities has allowed you to reach this level of stability and prestige. Be proud.
Affirmation: Sitting in my truth is the quickest and safest way to access my unique power.
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Text and images © Elia diane Fushi Bekene, 2024
The unauthorized copying and distribution of this work without permission of the artist is a theft of the artist's intellectual property.
The information given in this guidebook should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice. Any use of this information is at the reader's discretion and risk. Always consult a professional medical practitioner for medical advice.